Reportes Técnicos - Probabilidad y Estadística Página de inicio de la colección


Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de depósito en Descendente orden): 81 a 100 de 103
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
17-ene-2008Law of Large Numbers for the Occupation Time of an Age-Dependent Branching SystemReporteJOSE ALFREDO LOPEZ MIMBELA6-nov-2017
10-ene-2008Special, Conjugate and Complete Scale Functions for Spectrally Negative Lévy ProcessesReporteVICTOR MANUEL RIVERO MERCADO6-nov-2017
15-oct-2009Almost sure and   -convergence of the traces of Laguerre processes to the family of dilations of the standard free Poisson distribution are established. We also prove that the fl uctuations around the limiting proces s, converge weakly to a continuous centered Gaussian process. The almost sure convergence on compact time intervals of the largest and smallest eigenvalues processes is also establishedReporteVICTOR MANUEL PEREZ ABREU CARRION3-nov-2017
10-ago-2009On the Traces of Laguerre ProcessesReporteVICTOR MANUEL PEREZ ABREU CARRION3-nov-2017
13-abr-2009On Free and Classical Type G DistributionsReporteOCTAVIO ARIZMENDI ECHEGARAY3-nov-2017
1-dic-2010Fluctuations of Stable Processes and Exponential Functionals of Hypergeometric Lévy ProcessesReporteJUAN CARLOS PARDO MILLAN3-nov-2017
27-abr-2010Meromorphic Lévy Processes and their Fluctuation IdentitiesReporteJUAN CARLOS PARDO MILLAN3-nov-2017
17-mar-2010On the Non-Classical Infinite Divisibility of Power Semicircle DistributionReporteVICTOR MANUEL PEREZ ABREU CARRION3-nov-2017
11-ene-2010A Wiener-Hopf Monte Carlo Simulation Technique for Lévy ProcessesReporteJUAN CARLOS PARDO MILLAN3-nov-2017
15-dic-2011Exponential Functionals of Brownian Motion and Explosion Time of a System of Semilinear SPDEsReporteEKATERINA TODOROVA KOLKOVSKA27-oct-2017
20-jul-2011On the Density of Exponential Functionals of Lévy ProcessesReporteJUAN CARLOS PARDO MILLAN27-oct-2017
3-jun-2011Distributional Properties of Exponential Functionals of Lévy ProcessesReporteJUAN CARLOS PARDO MILLAN27-oct-2017
2-may-2011A Wiener-Hopf Type Factorization for the Exponential Functional of Levy ProcessesReporteJUAN CARLOS PARDO MILLAN27-oct-2017
27-ene-2011An Optimal Stopping Problem for Fragmentation ProcessesReporteJUAN CARLOS PARDO MILLAN27-oct-2017
3-ago-2012Global Existence and Finite-Time Blow up of a Semi-Linear Nonautonomous System with Dirichlet Boundary ConditionReporteJOSE ALFREDO LOPEZ MIMBELA24-oct-2017
18-dic-2014Gerber-Shiu functionals for the classical risk processes perturbed by an a-stable motionReporteEKATERINA TODOROVA KOLKOVSKA23-oct-2017
20-may-2014Global and Nonglobal Solutions of a System of Nonautonomous Semilinear Equations with Ultracontractive Lévy GeneratorsReporteJOSE ALFREDO LOPEZ MIMBELA23-oct-2017
14-dic-2015Lower and Upper Bounds of the Explosion Time of a Reaction-Diffusion System Perturbed by Brownian MotionReporteJOSE ALFREDO LOPEZ MIMBELA23-oct-2017
14-ago-2015Gerber-Shiu functionals for two-sided jumps risk processes perturbed by an a-stable motionReporteEKATERINA TODOROVA KOLKOVSKA23-oct-2017
15-dic-2016The Negative Wiener-Hopf Factor of Two-Sided Jumps Lévy Processes, and Application to Insurance Risk TheoryReporteEKATERINA TODOROVA KOLKOVSKA20-oct-2017
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de depósito en Descendente orden): 81 a 100 de 103