Reportes Técnicos - Probabilidad y Estadística Página de inicio de la colección


Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de depósito en Descendente orden): 61 a 80 de 103
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
19-dic-2007Minimizing the Ruin Probability of Risk Processes with ReinsuranceReporteEKATERINA TODOROVA KOLKOVSKA16-nov-2017
12-dic-2007A General Purpose Scale-Independent MCMC AlgorithmReporteJOSE ANDRES CHRISTEN GRACIA16-nov-2017
13-nov-2007On the Asymptotic Behaviour of Increasing Self-Similar Markov ProcessesReporteVICTOR MANUEL RIVERO MERCADO16-nov-2017
11-sep-2007Multivariate Analysis of Variance Under MultiplicityReporteJOSE ANTONIO DIAZ GARCIA16-nov-2017
21-ago-2007Measures and Jacobians of Singular Random MatricesReporteJOSE ANTONIO DIAZ GARCIA16-nov-2017
14-jun-2007Forecasts by Predictive Likelihood in Threshold Autoregressive ModelReporteGRACIELA MARIA DE LOS DOLORES GONZALEZ FARIAS16-nov-2017
8-may-2007A Basic Result on the Consistency of Maximum Likelihood EstimatorsReporteGRACIELA MARIA DE LOS DOLORES GONZALEZ FARIAS16-nov-2017
7-may-2007Planes Óptimos para Pruebas de Vida Acelerada con Esfuerzos EscalonadosReporteENRIQUE RAUL VILLA DIHARCE16-nov-2017
27-mar-2007Bayesian Detection of Active Effects in Designed Experiments Modeled with GLM´SReporteROMAN DE LA VARA SALAZAR16-nov-2017
8-mar-2007Finding Ecological Reserves: a Decision Making ApproachReporteJOSE ANDRES CHRISTEN GRACIA16-nov-2017
19-nov-2008The S-Transform of Symmetric Probability Measures With Unbounded SupportsReporteVICTOR MANUEL PEREZ ABREU CARRION6-nov-2017
30-sep-2008Free Generalized Gamma ConvolutionsReporteVICTOR MANUEL PEREZ ABREU CARRION6-nov-2017
26-sep-2008Elliptical Configuration DistributionReporteGRACIELA MARIA DE LOS DOLORES GONZALEZ FARIAS6-nov-2017
26-sep-2008Inference in Elliptical Configuration DistributionsReporteGRACIELA MARIA DE LOS DOLORES GONZALEZ FARIAS6-nov-2017
25-sep-2008Finite Elliptical Configuration Distributions: Inference and ApplicationsReporteGRACIELA MARIA DE LOS DOLORES GONZALEZ FARIAS6-nov-2017
12-sep-2008Fluctuation Limit Theorems for Age-Dependent Critical Binary Branching SystemsReporteJOSE ALFREDO LOPEZ MIMBELA6-nov-2017
21-may-2008Estimation of Spatial Sampling Effort Based on Presence-Only Data Over a Class of SpeciesReporteMIGUEL NAKAMURA SAVOY6-nov-2017
21-feb-2008Correction to "ANote on the Ratio of Normal and Laplace Random Variables"ReporteELOISA DIAZ FRANCES MURGUIA6-nov-2017
21-feb-2008Correction to "On The Linear Combination of Normal and Laplace Random VariablesReporteELOISA DIAZ FRANCES MURGUIA6-nov-2017
24-ene-2008Convexity and Smoothness of Scale Functions and de Finetti´s Control ProblemReporteVICTOR MANUEL RIVERO MERCADO6-nov-2017
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de depósito en Descendente orden): 61 a 80 de 103