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Mostrando resultados 6 a 17 de 17

Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
3-jun-2011Distributional Properties of Exponential Functionals of Lévy ProcessesReporteJUAN CARLOS PARDO MILLAN27-oct-2017
1-dic-2010Fluctuations of Stable Processes and Exponential Functionals of Hypergeometric Lévy ProcessesReporteJUAN CARLOS PARDO MILLAN3-nov-2017
20-may-2014Global and Nonglobal Solutions of a System of Nonautonomous Semilinear Equations with Ultracontractive Lévy GeneratorsReporteJOSE ALFREDO LOPEZ MIMBELA23-oct-2017
27-abr-2010Meromorphic Lévy Processes and their Fluctuation IdentitiesReporteJUAN CARLOS PARDO MILLAN3-nov-2017
13-abr-2009On Free and Classical Type G DistributionsReporteOCTAVIO ARIZMENDI ECHEGARAY3-nov-2017
20-jul-2011On the Density of Exponential Functionals of Lévy ProcessesReporteJUAN CARLOS PARDO MILLAN27-oct-2017
4-may-2006Recurrent Extensions of Positive Self Similar Markov Processes and Cramer´s Condition IIReporteVICTOR MANUEL RIVERO MERCADO17-nov-2017
2007Recurrent extensions of self-similar Markov processes and Cramer's conditionArtículoVICTOR MANUEL RIVERO MERCADO12-oct-2018
2007Representation of Infinitely Divisible Distributions on ConesArtículoVICTOR MANUEL PEREZ ABREU CARRION12-oct-2018
10-ene-2008Special, Conjugate and Complete Scale Functions for Spectrally Negative Lévy ProcessesReporteVICTOR MANUEL RIVERO MERCADO6-nov-2017
2008Special, conjugate and complete scale functions for spectrally negative Lévy processesArtículoVICTOR MANUEL RIVERO MERCADO23-oct-2018
15-dic-2016The Negative Wiener-Hopf Factor of Two-Sided Jumps Lévy Processes, and Application to Insurance Risk TheoryReporteEKATERINA TODOROVA KOLKOVSKA20-oct-2017